Intelligent Environments have been designing and programming lighting control systems for more than 15 years and are familiar with all systems that have historically been the incumbent suppliers of lighting controls.
Times have changed however, and building technology has changed also. The systems we propose today are DALI-2 and/or DALI+ (wireless) so meet ALL requirements of the AU/NZ lighting control standard, unlike earlier legacy systems, which although still available, only comply in part.
We are not electrical contractors. We are not competing with electrical contractors or taking work away from them. Thus most electricians prefer to use our services as we are considered experts in our field.
Our teams, based in our Auckland and Wellington offices, focus solely on building technology. We also work through our alliance partners in Christchurch to provide local support for South Island projects.
By partnering with the electrical consultants, the contractors, and the end client we can ensure the system installed meets both the budget and client requirements.
Why DALI-2?
DALI is a totally open protocol so the client is no longer handcuffed to a single manufacturer or a commissioning agent. Intelligent Environments and our preferred manufacturer zencontrol provide extensive warranties so you can have faith in our components but you are not ‘shackled’ to us, or our products, either now, or in the future.
The system hardware is supplied to the electrical contractor and/or switchboard builder, with comprehensive drawings to allow easy installation.
A major advantage of a DALI-2 system is the bi-directional communication of all DALI devices. This allows feedback from sensors for example, that can provide information not simply on lighting status (e.g. on or off) and other lighting elements such as light colour, brightness etc., but also on occupancy, air quality (eCO2/eVOC/humidity, etc.), sound, pressure, and much more.
DALI+ is the “wireless version”. The system can be totally wireless where required, or be part of a “hybrid” system where wired and wireless DALI are combined.
Intelligent Environments Ltd are the sole distributor and integrator in New Zealand for zencontrol products and control system (hardware and software) from their Australian manufacturer.
The zencontrol Plan View software that we employ can supply user-friendly dashboards to provide visual representations of the information fed back from the system, to allow the client to make adjustments to ensure their building system is operating to its optimum.
Why Choose Intelligent Environments For Lighting Control?
In summary:
- We’re not electrical contractors – there is no competition, we work in conjunction with them.
- We partner with electrical consultants, contractors and end-clients to ensure the system meets both budget and client requirements.
- We are based in Auckland, Wellington, and have alliance partners in Christchurch for South Island support.
- We have 15 years of experience with “incumbent” legacy systems.
- We now propose a zencontrol DALI-2 system that complies with ALL requirements of the AU/NZ lighting control standard, as against legacy systems used prior, which only comply in part.
- The bi-directional nature of DALI-2 means devices such as sensors can provide feedback, not just of lighting status (on/off) but of multiple other elements of your building’s operation (occupancy, air quality, etc, etc).
- This also means emergency lighting can be connected to the same DALI system and allow monitoring, testing and reporting for easier compliance.
- Planview software provides a user friendly dashboard to display the information fed back by the system devices.
- The open protocol of DALI means a client is no longer “handcuffed” to a proprietary system, a single manufacturer, or sole commissioning agent.
- Although we propose zencontrol DALI-2 or DALI+ systems, any DALI-2 certified product can be incorporated into a DALI-2 control system. This allows for the use of specialised hardware when necessary, such as long range or ‘below 30 degC’ sensors for example. It also means if a replacement product is required, and the original item is not available, an alternative DALI-2 product can be used.
- Where the initial project is very small, or when the budget for lighting control is almost non-existent, we can provide a cheap “no frills” solution, but one that won’t need to be superseded when a better solution is required. Our “basic” equipment can be used as the foundation to expand to one with greater functionality when budget allows and/or client needs change.
- When most product warranties end, ours continue. For a small monthly fee the client can receive monthly reports on the health of their system, and back to base no cost replacement of any failed components for up to 10 years.